Ethnographic bibliography of the Bengali
essay 1992 Human Relations Area Files

BengaliAsia > South Asia
This is an unpublished bibliography prepared for the AW69 Bengali file, and dated April 20, 1992....

Additional bibliography for Taiwan Hokkien
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

Taiwan HokkienAsia > East Asia

Ethnographic bibliography of the Shluh
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

ShluhAfrica > Northern Africa

Ethnographic bibliography of mainland U.S. Puerto Ricans
essay 9999 Human Relations Area Files

Puerto Ricans (Mainland)North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This unpublished manuscript consists of a 19 page bibliography prepared for inclusion in the HRAF Puerto Ricans - Mainland file, dated November 3, 1992....

Additional bibliography on Chinese in the United States
essay 1994 Human Relations Area Files

Chinese AmericansNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures

Additional bibliography on the Chinese in Canada
essay 1994 Human Relations Area Files

Chinese CanadiansNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures

Additional bibliography on the Highland Scots
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

Highland ScotsEurope > British Isles

Additional bibliography on the Lozi
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

LoziAfrica > Southern Africa

Additional bibliography on the Mbuti
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

MbutiAfrica > Central Africa

Additional bibliography on the Cajuns
essay 1994 Human Relations Area Files

CajunsNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures

Additional bibliography on the Tzeltal
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

TzeltalMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area

Additional bibliography on the Iban
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

IbanAsia > Southeast Asia

Additional bibliography on the Tikopia
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

TikopiaOceania > Polynesia

Additional bibliography on the Trobriand Islands
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

TrobriandsOceania > Melanesia

Additional bibliography on the Aymara
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

AymaraSouth America > Central Andes

Culture summary
essay 1996 Human Relations Area Files

BororoSouth America > Eastern South America
This is a culture summary of the Bororo....

Additional bibliography on the Yanoama
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files

YanoamaSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco

Additional bibliography on the Andamans
essay 1993 Human Relations Area Files, Inc.

AndamansAsia > South Asia